Category: Good Health

My Word for 2014: Write

The Bee Talks With...Me

    2013 was a wild year for me. I had a form of weight loss surgery in late April called duodenal switch, and the results have been phenomenal. Not just for the weight loss, which is a blessing in itself, but there’s so much more going on. There’s a synergy happening in me now …

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Everything Has Changed: My New York Adventure

  I must apologize for the delay in continuing this story. I wrote my last post the night before I was to undergo the most complex form of bariatric surgery (on April 30th), known as the duodenal switch (“DS”). I vastly underestimated how much this event was going to put me out of commission, both …

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I really hate change, but I’m forcing it ~ Pt 1

  I avoid a lot of things in life, for reasons that are nearly all fear-based. I fear pain the most — physical and mental — and yet, I now live with it daily. How the heck did that happen? I can trace problems with being overweight back to age 11, when puberty struck. I …

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October 1, 2009 ~ Skip a Meal

Skip a meal October 1st and donate the savings to local and global hunger relief. Let’s together help solve global hunger, one tweet at a time! Hashtag on Twitter is #twitterforfood

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Sugar Shortage? (Is that a bad thing?)

Last month, The Wall Street Journal reported that Some of America’s biggest food companies say the U.S. could “virtually run out of sugar” if the Obama administration doesn’t ease import restrictions amid soaring prices for the key commodity. In a letter to Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack, the big brands — including Kraft Foods Inc., General …

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Insomnia Always

I never learned how to sleep well. When I was very young, I learned how to convincingly pretend I was asleep, which obviously means I couldn’t really be sleeping then, or much of anytime else. Sleeping, to me, was synonymous with not good surprises. Pretending to sleep either got me ignored or got me some …

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