Category: Getting Unstuck

Coming Up for Air…


  We have the passion & intuition to achieve our dreams but our minds can be easily distracted & our hearts quick to fear. Stay focused. #INFJ — INFJ Blog (@Im_INFJ) June 15, 2016   Ahh, focus. If only. The last six months have felt rather dream-like. Sure, there is always dissociation, sometimes more, or …

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Happy New Year, and Welcome New Subscribers!

    Happy New Year to all! And welcome to new subscribers, many of whom I believe must have followed the link from the Resource section of my new ebook Becoming One! A year ago, I wrote a New Year’s post describing how I intended to act on my “2014 promise to myself: write.” Looking …

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My Blog Is Back! Oh Happy Day! :)

    Time to turn the lights back on! It’s so good to be back — it’s been forever! My blog got hijacked in some mumbo-jumbo about databases, and that was just the beginning. Meanwhile, I’ve had pressing family matters that took priority — both in terms of actual time, and emotional energy — over …

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What’s Next For Me?

    If you had a choice between change forced by unwanted circumstances, or that which blooms from a long sequence of actions you willingly participated in, but really had no idea how it would all turn out … which would you choose? Today marks three months since I had my surgery. I know. I’ve …

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Everything Has Changed: My New York Adventure

  I must apologize for the delay in continuing this story. I wrote my last post the night before I was to undergo the most complex form of bariatric surgery (on April 30th), known as the duodenal switch (“DS”). I vastly underestimated how much this event was going to put me out of commission, both …

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I really hate change, but I’m forcing it ~ Pt 1

  I avoid a lot of things in life, for reasons that are nearly all fear-based. I fear pain the most — physical and mental — and yet, I now live with it daily. How the heck did that happen? I can trace problems with being overweight back to age 11, when puberty struck. I …

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