Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors (week ending 03/12/10)

Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for content found on any other website. Stay safe, and don’t follow links if you believe you might be triggered by them. Also, I will not be re-checking links from older Best Tweets posts, and if the site’s archived URL is different from the one I’ve provided here, you may need to do a search on their site.

Please add your candidates for Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors in the comments.

Standalone Tweets

@Tamavista “You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.” ~ Navajo

@FeministQuotes “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” ~ Alice Walker (via @VoiceinRecovery @Splinteredones)

@NoSocialAnxiety “Don’t let anyone bully or abuse you, including yourself.”

@rcinstitute “Soulful Sunday: healing the soul requires facing its wounds, grieving them, and letting them go.”

@Quotes4Writers “Courage is the resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” ~ Mark Twain

@karenkmmonroy “You only think things are supposed to be hard because of the evidence of your past-but it doesn’t make it true.”

@Tamavista “As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude nor weakness weakness.” ~ Thoreau

@Ellen_Brown “When you allow yourself to FEEL your feelings, they move through you like a river instead of getting stuck inside.”

@suebatt55 “A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong.” ~ Tecumseh (via @Splinteredones)

@DarleneOuimet “No one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality… Freedom and wholeness call from the other side of broken.”

@LillyAnn “Our soul appears .. when we make room for it.” ~ Thomas Moore

@LoriMoreno “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~ Robert Collier

@PsychDigest “People change and forget to tell each other.” ~ Lillian Hellman

@Tamavista “Create your future from your future, not your past.” ~ Erhard

Linked Tweets

@GoodthingZ 50 Peaceful Things
[SEO: Every little bit helps!]

@ArmyWellBeing Women, Trauma, and PTSD
[SEO: A good overview whether in the military or not.]

@Kathy_B_from_AC “Wanna learn about DID / MPD? A linked list of 120+ articles on the Discussing Dissociation blog has been updated.”
[SEO: Many topics pertain broadly to any trauma survivor.]

@DrKathleenYoung What is complex PTSD?

Fearless Nation ~ for people with PTSD, loved ones, clinicians, and mental health advocates. See also @fearlessnation (via @SarahEOlson2009)

@ElyssaD The Art of Now: Six Steps to Living in the Moment

@DrKathleenYoung “Nice series on keeping your therapy private vs. sharing about it with others.” (via @drkkolmes)

@WomensLaw “If you are a victim of abuse, think twice about putting your info on the Internet.” Safety With Social Media

@ElyssaD How to save a friend from the brink #cnn #mentalhealthmonday #suicide prevention

@PTSDdotOrg Reduce health care costs by preventing childhood sexual abuse
[SEO: Excellent article regarding longterm costs of child sexual abuse, not just in terms of longterm therapy or meds costs, but physical ailments linked to chronic stress, lost productivity, etc.]

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Favorite TweetStuff (week ending 03/12/10)

Oh, there’s something for everyone in this week’s edition of Favorite TweetStuff! I ladle all this goodness from my TweetStream each Friday, and find art, architecture, humor, photography, music, whatever is quirky or fun, or beautiful, and always inspirational!

@2morrowknight The World’s 10 Most Magnificent Monasteries (via @MatadorNetwork @Eloren @29travels @low78) [SEO: Many of these are built on cliffs and require tremendous faith and determination by a pilgrim to get to them.]

@Tamavista “All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” Martin Buber

@GabrielaKortsch “Being spiritual has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

@taximike “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” ~ Scott Adams (via @reinstitute)

@mllyssa: 15 Visually Stunning Architectural Delights [SEO: Some of the most bizarre-looking buildings in the world. Quite a contrast to the monasteries series in the first link above.]

@CarePathways “I see no more than you, but I have trained myself to notice what I see.” ~ Sherlock Holmes

@LillyAnn “There’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” ~ S. Adams

@AmazingPics Beautiful – Behind a frozen waterfall (via @petapixel)

@Tamavista “A behaviorist is someone who pulls habits out of rats.” ~ Anon [SEO: hehehe!]

@karenkmmonroy “The difference between genius and crazy is not that much.” (via @Splinteredones)

@LillyAnn “If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” ~ T. S. Eliot

@Gimundo Sarah Phillips, 16, Records Amazing Tribute to Raise Money for Cervical Cancer Cure [SEO: The night before her mother died from cervical cancer, Sarah Phillips recorded this song a capella into her cell phone. She played it for her father the next day, who asked friends to set it to music. It became a music video tribute at her mother’s funeral, and now is being used as a fundraiser. This moved me like nothing else this week, and leads us to the following quote.]

@Tamavista “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ~ Lao Tzu

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Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors (week ending 03/05/10)

Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for content found on any other website. Stay safe, and don’t follow links if you believe you might be triggered by them. Also, I will not be re-checking links from older Best Tweets posts, and if the site’s archived URL is different from the one I’ve provided here, you may need to do a search on their site.

Please add your candidates for Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors in the comments.

Standalone Tweets

@LillyAnn On any journey, we must find out where we are before we can plan the first step. ~ Kathy Boevink

@LisaKiftTherapy “The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now” ~ Oprah Winfrey

@CarePathways Focus on doing your best rather than if others think you are good enough.

@Splinteredones How do you know that you’re in the right therapy? Bad therapy is easy and good therapy is gut-wrenching. The End. [SEO: Truer words never spoken!]

@Maura_Aura True Strength comes from knowing when you are Fragile. ~ M.C.

@LillyAnn The farther behind I leave the past, the closer I am to forging my own character. ~ Isabelle Eberhardt

@rcinstitute Wisdom Wednesday: wisdom is distinguishing between your inner sage and your inner critic.

@SarahEOlson2009 I have to really work on the self-compassion thing myself, and then I always wonder (like it’s a new thought) why I stopped.

@WilliamHarryman “The man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.” ~ Michel de Montaigne

@jennyjoneses I believe the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity is daring to dare. ~ Maya Angelou (via @Splinteredones)

@PromiseToMe “Don’t allow your wounds to transform you into someone you are not.” ~ Paulo Coelho

@TWLOHA “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” ~ Maya Angelou

@IngridElfver #MindsetSHIFT: Breathe out fear, listlessness, hopelessness, and weariness. Breathe in bliss.

@Splinteredones I feel so concerned for, so safe, so understood, so valued, so validated, so thankful, so heard, so met where I am, so much that it’s okay.

@PsychDigest “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~ Carl G. Jung

Linked Tweets

@ssanquist “10 Ways to Find a Good Therapist – Beyond Blue”

@LillyAnn A silent hug means a thousands words to the unhappy heart

@MarjieKnudsen The Healing Properties of Tears: 7 Good Reasons to Cry ~ (via @todaysmama)

monicajane9 People fear embracing their ugly, painful feelings…but transcendence/healing lies in doing exactly that

@DrKathleenYoung What’s Love Got To Do With It? Self-Love and Healing

@GoodthingZ 3 Shades of Happiness

@kris_burns The Book of Wisdom – 101 Posts for the All-Around Balanced Life [SEO: This is an exquisite collection of 101 posts from around the Web, organized in categories, discussing various aspects of living one’s life in balance. Disclosure: I have not read every single post linked yet, but I intend to.]

@GoodthingZ 7 Ways to Love Yourself

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Favorite TweetStuff (week ending 03/05/10)

My weekly Favorite TweetStuff are tweets that are quirky, artsy, beautiful, musical, or humorous. And always inspiring! Enjoy!

@LillyAnn “There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take one with a heart.” ~ Tao

@jennyjoneses Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. ~ Albert Einstein (via @Splinteredones)

@GoodthingZ PICS of Incredible Lego Architecture [SEO: And I do mean incredible.]

@monicajane9 Be content to progress in slow steps until you have legs to run and wings with which to fly. ~ Padre Pio

@abandontheherd Two feet of snow is coming your way! [SEO: LOL Someone has a lot of time on their … feet.]

@AffirmYourLife “It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head.” ~ Sally Kempton

@Gimundo 8 MustSee Instrumental Acoustic Guitar Music Videos

@805Therapy Theres a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line. ~ Oscar Levant (via @Splinteredones: LOL I like this. Yep)

@AmazingPics Beautiful Paths Photography by Andreas Reinhold

@BIGstLittleCity “Don’t become a wandering generality. Be a meaningful specific.” ~ Zig Ziglar (via @ssanquist)

@abandontheherd #quote Albert Einstein ~ “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”

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Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors (week ending 02/26/10)

Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for content found on any other website. Stay safe, and don’t follow links if you believe you might be triggered by them. Also, I will not be re-checking links from older Best Tweets posts, and if the site’s archived URL is different from the one I’ve provided here, you may need to do a search on their site.

Please add your candidates for Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors in the comments.

Standalone Tweets

@rcinstitute Truthful Tuesday: Ruthless Compassion is the unerring pursuit of the unvarnished truth

@Splinteredones What is it about telling a horrible, vile memory to a trusted witness that is so transformative?

@rcinstitute Thoughtful Thursday: facing reality is the only way to be empowered in this world.

@LillyAnn “We must live from within outwards, not from without inwards.” Lao-Tse #spirituality

@rcinstitute Soulful Sunday: the soul finds healing in forgiving ourselves our bad choices, while intending to make better ones.

@Tamavista “There is no hope unmingled with fear, and no fear unmingled with hope.” Spinoza

@inlifeawareness “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” ~Lewis B. Smedes

@rcinstitute Grace is what we do after we’ve done everything right & things still didn’t work out.

@Tamavista “The great virtue in life is real courage that knows how to face facts and live beyond them.”, D. H. Lawrence

Linked Tweets

@HealMyPTSD Taking the hope/belief conversation further: I had no hope. But I did have belief I could heal PTSD.

@AfterSilence Was it my fault? Self-Blame and Survivors

@sinbysilence “Pain, fear, loneliness, isolation…what does this mean today? My past!”

@rcinstitute (1) The way of the warrior is to practice Ruthless Compassion and (2) The way of the warrior is to be fully grounded in reality.

@ssanquist “Toxic Friends: An Interview with Susan Shapiro Barash – Beyond Blue”

@DarleneOuimet The Truth can be elusive and hard to spot but when it hits..BAM ~poetic and powerful~

@GoodthingZ 9 Paradoxes of Happiness

@AfterSilence A Recovery Bill of Rights for Trauma Survivors

@abandontheherd This is really helpful! – Eckhart Tolle explains how to take breathing breaks throughout your day (video at link)

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Favorite TweetStuff (week ending 02/26/10)

My favorite TweetStuff is whatever I find each week that’s quirky, funny, beautiful, stunning, or fun. Always inspiring! Enjoy!

@AmazingPics The beach by Philip Effraim [SEO: For everyone who is snowed in today!]

@Tamavista “The reverse side also has a reverse side.” Zen

@petapixel Another moonbow, this one in Hawaii

@MarcyRubin LAUGH: 1 out of 4 people in this country is mentally unbalanced..Think of your 3 closest friends.. If they seem OK, then you’re the one! :-)

@DrCesa 80 Exceptionally Beautiful Photographs of Paris – via @Minervity @paul_steele @TheTinaGrant @2morrowknight

@Splinteredones RT @1txsage1957 The environment is everything that isn’t me. ~ Albert Einstein

@petapixel Space shuttle Endeavour’s mission to the space station(photos) [SEO: Having a since-childhood fascination with all things space, I could watch NASA TV all day! I love this stuff.]

@GreatestQuotes “Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” – J.K. Rowling #greatminds

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