Six New Blogs Added to Dissociation Blog Showcase (DBS)

We have amazing writers amongst us who give insight and hope to anyone struggling with dissociation, or to their loved ones. It’s a brain trust, and I treasure it. When I find new blogs, I update the Dissociation Blog Showcase (DBS) on Sunday evenings. Tonight I’ve added six new blogs:


Controlled Chaos

Diary of a Multiple Personality

It’s All Psychological

joellen’s Blog

Welcome To The Castle

Please use the DBS link above to access these blogs, and check out the entire directory of (currently) 138 dissociation blogs!

As always, be careful and safe. Many of these blogs do not provide trigger warnings, nor are they obligated to do so.

I need your help! While I have a small backlog of blogs to add next weekend (courtesy of and many thanks to Kate1975!), if you, or someone you know, experiences dissociation and blog about it, write to me with the URL at


I review each blog before adding it, but the harder part is finding them in the first place. Thanks so much for the feedback and well-wishes for this project!

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Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors (week ending 04/09/10)

Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for content found on any other website. Stay safe, and don’t follow links if you believe you might be triggered by them. Also, I will not be re-checking links from older Best Tweets posts, and if the site’s archived URL is different from the one I’ve provided here, you may need to do a search on their site.

Please add your candidates for Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors in the comments.

Standalone Tweets

@soundsblue “Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your Soul.” ~ Walt Whitman

@Tamavista “A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us.” ~ Saint-Exupery
[SEO: Literally.]

@faithgoddess17 “The body remembers what the mind forgets.” ~ Jacob Levy Moreno

@DrSusan “You will never be hurt as much by being open as you have been hurt by remaining closed.” ~ Martha Beck

@rcinstitute “Thoughtful Thursday: to look under the surface of things is to be able to have an impact on them.”

@Splinteredones “Imagine Universal compassion is an Ocean. Each day you have the opportunity to be a drop of water or a tsunami. Choose.”

@Tamavista “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” ~ Goethe

@Maura_Aura “If I won’t be myself, who will?” ~ Alfred Hitchcock

@karenkmmonroy “You are not your thoughts. You are not your body. You are not other’s opinions of you. You are all possibilities.”

@SunnyRainer “Everything changes when you change.” ~ Jim Rohn (via @SpiritAli)

@GabrielaKortsch “You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.” ~ Ayn Rand

@LillyAnn “If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.” ~ P. De Coubertin

@karenkmmonroy “Simple elegance is allowed in life when we courageously face ‘what is’. Fears fall away, stress falls away as we meet the present ‘what is’.”

@Tamavista “Moral excellence comes from habit. We become just by doing just acts.., brave by doing brave acts.” ~ Aristotle

@visityourself “Feeling stuck or scared? In contemplative meditation, ask ‘What options have I not yet seen?’ Then listen.” #Mindfulness (via @ssanquist)

@VoiceinRecovery “Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.” ~ Frank Tyger (via @MindfulBiology)

@AffirmationSpot “It costs nothing to believe in yourself and everything not to.” (via @abeeliever)

Linked Tweets

@melanie360 Is it right or wrong for therapists to Tweet and Facebook their clients? Interesting commentary (via @psychcentral)

@ssanquist The Art of Managing Worry: It is all in the state of Mind

@drcmblake Just Do It: 67 Ways to Tame the Procrastination Beast
[SEO: As soon as I finish not doing other stuff :)]

@SarahEOlson2009 Chicago doctor treats PTSD with local anesthetic used in childbirth. Seeks veteran volunteers for study.
[SEO: Interesting implications for anyone with PTSD. His first patient using this method was a woman suffering PTSD following a mugging.]

Depression makes you reluctant to leave bed. So it follows that sleep deprivation will cheer you up, right?
[My apologies; I lost the reference to whomever originally tweeted this. It’s intriguing to think that insomnia may be some kind of natural defense against certain types of depression, but for me, they really feed off of each other.]

@GoodthingZ 6 Tips for Facing a Dreaded Task (via @gretchenrubin)

@BeyondMeds When fearfulness infects you, neither avoid it nor let it recruit your mind. . . Don’t give it a thought.

@drcmblake Top 10 reasons why Mindfulness is Cool (via Psychology Today)

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Favorite TweetStuff (week ending 04/09/10)

Ah, spring is in the air! Each week I save my favorite Tweets, be they art, cats, music, humor, did I say cats?, whimsical, or a bit of genius. Always inspiring! Enjoy!

P.S. I’m in slow mode today so my “Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors” will be coming up … after dinner! Thanks for your patience!

@Jason_Pollock Top 10 Funny Cat Videos on YouTube (via @Maria_bg)

@LillyAnn ツ “I have an existential map; it has ‘you are here’ written all over it.” ~ S. Wright

@Maura_Aura “Lead the life that’s yours instead of faking someone else’s.” ~ Sandy Nathan

@petapixel Past and present collide – Shifting scenes

@LillyAnn “You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” ~ Mark Twain

@Gimundo (Video) Professor plays an incredible April Fool’s joke with his own shadow

@TrendyDC ღ “He who obtains has little. He who scatters has much.” ~ Lao-Tzu

@Teresacooper omg cats are evolving into humans not apes we gotta worry about

@MindfullyChange “The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.” ~ Mark Twain

@Astro_Soichi Boston, MA taken 200 miles up in the International Space Station
[SEO: Astronaut Soichi routinely takes fab pictures of the world’s greatest cities and geographical wonders.]

@Quotes4Writers “Everything has been thought of before, but the difficulty is to think of it again.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

@iahmat “You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it.”~ Gilbert Keith Chesterton

@petapixel Signs of spring, 2010 (Boston Globe: The Big Picture gallery)
[SEO: I love this series of gorgeous pictures! Full of acres of flowers in every hue, baby animals, celebrations, and swan pageantry. :)]

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Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors (week ending 04/02/10)

Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for content found on any other website. Stay safe, and don’t follow links if you believe you might be triggered by them. Also, I will not be re-checking links from older Best Tweets posts, and if the site’s archived URL is different from the one I’ve provided here, you may need to do a search on their site.

Please add your candidates for Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors in the comments.

Standalone Tweets

@motivatquotes “We all walk in the dark and each of us must learn to turn on his or her own light.” ~ E. Nightingale (via @Hopefortrauma)

@Maura_Aura “We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.” ~ Harrison Ford

@exectweets: “We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” ~ Carlos Castaneda (via @andrewsavikas)

@Maura_Aura “Some of us think holding on makes us strong but sometimes it is letting go.” ~ Hermann Hesse

@TWLOHA “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ~ e. e. cummings

@Hopefortrauma “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” ~ Albert Einstein

@feistywoman “Let us accept the truth even when it surprises us and alters our views.” ~ George Sand

@soundsblue “Everyone is broken by life. But afterward, many are strong in the broken places.” ~ Hemmingway

@Tamavista “Do the thing we fear, and death of fear is certain.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

@lizstrauss “Fear is the mind-killer…I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone…Only I will remain.” ~ DUNE

@AffirmYourLife “We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.” ~ May Sarton

@Maura_Aura “You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” ~ Deepak Chopra

@Tamavista “To have courage for whatever comes in life — everything lies in that.” ~ Teresa of Avila

@DepressionForum “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~ Buddha ღ

@JoanneAbk “There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth – not going all the way, and not starting.” ~ Buddha

@LollyDaskal “You are on the edge of something that matters…pay attention.”

Linked Tweets

@drkkolmes Google and Facebook Raise New Issues for Therapists and Their Clients (via The Washington Post)

@GoodthingZ 5 Gifts of Being Highly Sensitive (via Psych Central)

@PsychMaven The Beauty of Cognitive Dissonance An initial stab at understanding cognitive dissonance. Humans are both weird and amazing.
[SEO: Cognitive dissonance fascinates me; it’s sort of like chaos theory in micro. :)]

@arttherapy What is a Music Therapist? Consider Us Your Personal Trainer!

@kris_burns 10 fabulous ways to overcome stress (via My Inspiration Lounge)

@RAINN01 Check out this new Blackberry Panic App It helps keep you safe, and extra bonus, proceeds benefit #RAINN ! [Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network]
[SEO: I don’t own a Blackberry, but this seems helpful if you do. It costs only $2.99 USD, with $1 going to RAINN.]

@jkiro 39 Ways to Live, and Not Merely Exist (by @JWhite) (via @drcmblake @2cre8 @IamPramit)

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Favorite TweetStuff (week ending 04/02/10)

Each week I scoop out of my TweetStream items which make me laugh, rethink, reflect, and relax. Always inspiring! Enjoy!

@kim Earth Hour 2010: The Slideshow
[SEO: Simply gorgeous!]

@mlomb “Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.” ~ Plato

@psychcentral After working on these issues for 150 yrs, Psych Central announces a cure for mental illness

@invisibleillwk “Make your life a mission, not an intermission.” ~ Arnold H. Glasgow

@ruhanirabin Beautiful Sun #Photography with 60+ Sunrise and Sunset Photos

@Tamavista “To lead the people, walk behind them.” ~ Lao-tzu

@PsychMaven Boost Creativity: 7 Unusual Psychological Techniques

@Conduru .•*¨*•.”Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” ~ Aesop

@ebertchicago “Women tweet about feelings. Men tweet about stuff. I have stuff, so I tend to follow women. Women tweeters startle me more.” (via @BeyondMeds)

@drcmblake Zen Blog Archive Top 100 Inspirational Quotes

@Ellen_Brown “If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.” ~ Flavia Weedn

@psychotherapi “We might be more eager to accept good advice if it did not continually interfere with our plans.”

@Gimundo An amazing shadow art dance

@awakeningaimee “I’ve been trying for some time to develop a lifestyle that doesn’t require my presence.” ~ Garry Trudeau

@Maura_Aura “I discover the beauty of simplicity when I give up the need to explain the mystery and simply enjoy it.” ~ @DeepakChopra

@DrWayneWDyer “Make compassion the essential foundation of your personal philosophy.”

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Two New Blogs Added to Dissociation Blog Showcase (DBS)

We have amazing writers amongst us who give insight and hope to anyone struggling with dissociation, or to their loved ones. It’s a brain trust, and I treasure it. When I find new blogs, I update the Dissociation Blog Showcase (DBS) on Sunday evenings. Tonight I’ve added two new blogs:

Learning to Fly

Our life with MPD/DID

Please use the DBS link above to access these blogs, and check out the entire directory of (currently) 131 dissociation blogs!

As always, be careful and safe. Many of these blogs do not provide trigger warnings, nor are they obligated to do so.

I need your help! If you or someone you know experiences dissociation and blog about it, write to me with the URL at


I review each blog before adding it, but the harder part is finding them in the first place. Thanks so much for the feedback and well-wishes for this project!

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