This week’s focus: News and Views I am honored to have my Twitter feed included in this list of 50 Best Twitter Feeds for Psychology Majors! Go check out the other 49, broken out into these categories: News; Organizations; Patients; and Professionals. Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My …
Tag: saying no
Jul 06 2012
Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors (07/06/12)
- By Sarah Olson in Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors, Child Abuse Issues, Mental Illness Resources, Mental Wellness resources
July 6, 2012
- active listening, anxiety, child abuse survivor, coping, depression, discussing abuse history with adult children, dissociation, finding compassion in difficult moments, how to find a trauma therapist, James Turrell, Penn State, Penn State coverup, PTSD, Sandusky, saying no, self-compassion, stress, the art of seeing depression, therapy, trauma survivors, what child abuse costs our country
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Feb 11 2011
Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors (week ending 02/11/11)
- By Sarah Olson in Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors, Child Abuse Issues, Mental Illness Resources, Mental Wellness resources
February 11, 2011
Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value. Disclaimer: I am in no way …
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Oct 22 2010
Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors (week ending 10/22/10)
- By Sarah Olson in Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors, Child Abuse Issues, Mental Illness Resources, Mental Wellness resources
October 22, 2010
Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value. Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for …
- anxiety, art therapy, boundaries around worry, child abuse survivor, courage, creativity, depression, depression and pumpkins, dissociation, dissociative disorders glossary, empathy, fear, finding your purpose, forgiveness, forgiveness as personal power, Goals, gratitude, happiness, healing body work, life after suicide attempt, mindfulness, power of empathy, PTSD, pushing through discomfort, saying no, self-sabotage, stress, Telling Without Talking, therapeutic massage, therapeutic touch, therapy, trauma survivors
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Sep 17 2010
Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors (week ending 09/17/10)
- By Sarah Olson in Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors, Child Abuse Issues, Mental Illness Resources, Mental Wellness resources
September 17, 2010
Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value. Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for …
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May 28 2010
Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors (week ending 05/28/10)
- By Sarah Olson in Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors, Mental Illness Resources, Mental Wellness resources
May 28, 2010
Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value. Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for …
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