You can enter to win one of three signed paperback copies of Becoming One via the Goodreads Giveaway link below! The Giveaway is valid if you live in the US, UK, or Canada. If the widget does not display properly in RSS, you can enter directly on Goodreads! Good luck! Goodreads …
Tag: hope
Oct 10 2015
Goodreads Giveaway of ‘Becoming One’!
- By Sarah Olson in Becoming One, DID-related Books, Trauma Survivors
October 10, 2015
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Apr 13 2015
6 of 6 ‘Bees’ for ‘Becoming One’ at ‘The Bee Writes’!
- By Sarah Olson in Becoming One, Child Abuse Issues, DID-related Books, Writing
April 13, 2015
Over at The Bee Writes, Becoming One has received 6 out of 6 ‘bees’! “This is a very positive book that emphasises the ability of survivors to overcome their survival strategies which have become troublesome. It certainly has started another process of healing in me. But it also describes what is necessary for …
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Apr 10 2015
So… this happened. :)
- By Sarah Olson in Becoming One, Child Abuse Issues, DID-related Books, Writing
April 10, 2015
Earlier this week…. Thank you to everyone who helped to create this success! I’m in such great company here. Of course, rankings are fleeting, but new books aren’t. So I’m getting to work right away on my next work, which will be a Q&A style book about Dissociative Identity Disorder! I’m really excited …
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Mar 30 2015
Mar 31 ~ Apr 6 ‘Becoming One’ Sale $.99!
- By Sarah Olson in Becoming One, Child Abuse Issues, DID-related Books
March 30, 2015
I am so pleased to announce that the Becoming One ebook is part of a Kindle Countdown deal in both the US and UK beginning tomorrow, March 31, through April 6! It will be priced at $.99, and I can tell you it will be a very long time before it’s on sale …
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Jan 19 2015
Are you interested in reviewing “Becoming One”?
- By Sarah Olson in Becoming One, Child Abuse Issues, DID-related Books, DID/MPD Issues, Writing
January 19, 2015
Are you interested in reviewing Becoming One? It’s currently available for review at NetGalley if you’re a member there. In addition, if you’re a mental health professional or advocate, or are diagnosed with a dissociative disorder, I’d be happy to arrange a copy for your honest review via Amazon. All I ask in …
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Jan 13 2015
Happy New Year, and Welcome New Subscribers!
- By Sarah Olson in Becoming One, Child Abuse Issues, DID-related Books, DID/MPD Issues, Getting Unstuck, Goals, Writing
January 13, 2015
Happy New Year to all! And welcome to new subscribers, many of whom I believe must have followed the link from the Resource section of my new ebook Becoming One! A year ago, I wrote a New Year’s post describing how I intended to act on my “2014 promise to myself: write.” Looking …
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Buy the ‘Becoming One’ Ebook!