Happy New Year to all! And welcome to new subscribers, many of whom I believe must have followed the link from the Resource section of my new ebook Becoming One! A year ago, I wrote a New Year’s post describing how I intended to act on my “2014 promise to myself: write.” Looking …
Tag: self-acceptance
Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2015/01/13/happy-new-year-and-welcome-new-subscribers/
Feb 27 2014
About That Self Care Thing…
I think about self care a lot, mostly in terms of how I’m not very good at it. I struggle with feeling that it’s bordering on self-indulgence when there are so many other things tugging at me. And time passes, leaving me wondering why I didn’t do some of the simplest, most obvious …
Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2014/02/27/about-that-self-care-thing/
Jan 06 2014
My Word for 2014: Write
2013 was a wild year for me. I had a form of weight loss surgery in late April called duodenal switch, and the results have been phenomenal. Not just for the weight loss, which is a blessing in itself, but there’s so much more going on. There’s a synergy happening in me now …
Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2014/01/06/my-word-for-2014-write/
Jul 30 2013
What’s Next For Me?
If you had a choice between change forced by unwanted circumstances, or that which blooms from a long sequence of actions you willingly participated in, but really had no idea how it would all turn out … which would you choose? Today marks three months since I had my surgery. I know. I’ve …
Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2013/07/30/whats-next-for-me/
Mar 15 2013
PTSD on Pinterest ~ Take Care of You
Welcome to the first “PTSD on Pinterest” Friday! For a broad perspective on PTSD Resources on Pinterest, check out the sidebar (scroll down) where the latest PTSD Resources pins are always displayed. Friday posts will be dedicated to a more detailed look at a sub-topic; this week’s focus is “Take Care of You”. If …
Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2013/03/15/ptsd-on-pinterest-take-care-of-you/
Jun 01 2012
Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors (06/01/12)
This week’s focus: Veterans’ Issues (cont’d) and Med News and Views I am honored to have my Twitter feed included in this list of 50 Best Twitter Feeds for Psychology Majors! Go check out the other 49, broken out into these categories: News; Organizations; Patients; and Professionals. Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors is …
Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2012/06/01/best-tweets-for-trauma-and-ptsd-survivors-060112/