Much of my life has been spent in fighting external controls, whether it involved a toxic family of origin, or later, toxic relationships that I chose because I didn’t know/understand what occurred in my childhood. When you don’t know who is controlling you or why, fighting it results in a lot of exhausting struggle. …
Tag: coping
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Mar 15 2013
PTSD on Pinterest ~ Take Care of You
Welcome to the first “PTSD on Pinterest” Friday! For a broad perspective on PTSD Resources on Pinterest, check out the sidebar (scroll down) where the latest PTSD Resources pins are always displayed. Friday posts will be dedicated to a more detailed look at a sub-topic; this week’s focus is “Take Care of You”. If …
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Nov 02 2012
Favorite TweetStuff (11/02/12) ~ Sandy Relief Edition ~
Every Friday I usually gather favorite items from my Twitter stream that are beautiful, inspiring, funny, or strange. I admit, with all that’s going on with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, that it’s difficult to work up some enthusiasm here. I live south of Boston. We dodged a major bullet with this storm, and I’m …
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Sep 14 2012
Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors (09/14/12)
This week’s focus: Suicide Prevention Resources I am honored to have my Twitter feed included in this list of 50 Best Twitter Feeds for Psychology Majors! Go check out the other 49, broken out into these categories: News; Organizations; Patients; and Professionals. Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My …
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Sep 07 2012
Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors (09/07/12)
This week’s focus: National Suicide Prevention Week and Therapy Issues I am honored to have my Twitter feed included in this list of 50 Best Twitter Feeds for Psychology Majors! Go check out the other 49, broken out into these categories: News; Organizations; Patients; and Professionals. Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors is a …
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Aug 31 2012
Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors (08/31/12)
This week’s focus: Self Harm Resources I am honored to have my Twitter feed included in this list of 50 Best Twitter Feeds for Psychology Majors! Go check out the other 49, broken out into these categories: News; Organizations; Patients; and Professionals. Best Tweets for Trauma and PTSD Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My …
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