I must apologize for the delay in continuing this story. I wrote my last post the night before I was to undergo the most complex form of bariatric surgery (on April 30th), known as the duodenal switch (“DS”). I vastly underestimated how much this event was going to put me out of commission, both …
Category: Wellness
Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2013/05/24/everything-has-changed-my-new-york-adventure/
Mar 22 2013
What I’m Learning…
Much of my life has been spent in fighting external controls, whether it involved a toxic family of origin, or later, toxic relationships that I chose because I didn’t know/understand what occurred in my childhood. When you don’t know who is controlling you or why, fighting it results in a lot of exhausting struggle. …
Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2013/03/22/what-im-learning/