Tag: creativity

Favorite TweetStuff (week ending 10/29/10)

Each Friday I scoop out Twitter goodness from my Tweet Stream that is artsy, humorous, beautiful, sometimes just plain weird. Mostly links today — my snark radar must have been in the shop this week! Enjoy! @CarePathways “According to quantum physics, time may be coexisting and happening all at once. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are …

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Permanent link to this article: http://thirdofalifetime.com/2010/10/29/favorite-tweetstuff-week-ending-102910/

Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors (week ending 10/22/10)

Surfer Joy

Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value. Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for …

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Permanent link to this article: http://thirdofalifetime.com/2010/10/22/best-tweets-for-trauma-survivors-week-ending-102210/

Favorite TweetStuff (week ending 10/22/10)

Happy Friday! Each week I rescue the fascinating, weird, beautiful, colorful, and inspiring from my Tweet stream. Enjoy! @SarahEOlson2009 Happy Inside ~ IKEA cats advert (YouTube) [SEO: Love this! IKEA let 100 cats loose in one of its stores, and they do get into everything. ] @adamsconsulting “Tweet like no one’s following, Love like you’ve …

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Permanent link to this article: http://thirdofalifetime.com/2010/10/22/favorite-tweetstuff-week-ending-102210/

Favorite TweetStuff (week ending 10/15/10)

Each week on Friday I rescue goodies from my Tweet stream that are inspirational, beautiful, humorous, and/or weird. It’s all here! Enjoy! @zebraspolkadots A Journey… I see the Light in You… [SEO: A beautiful wish that, in wishing it for others, you help to make it possible for yourself.] @petapixel Surreal landscapes created with food …

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Permanent link to this article: http://thirdofalifetime.com/2010/10/15/favorite-tweetstuff-week-ending-101510/

Favorite TweetStuff (week ending 10/08/10)

It’s Friday, and it’s autumn — a magical combination if you happen to live in New England! Fall foliage is already amazing in some places. The other thing about Fridays is that I dip into my Tweet stream and rescue Tweety goodness before it fades into the ether. This week is a photography bonanza! Enjoy! …

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Permanent link to this article: http://thirdofalifetime.com/2010/10/08/favorite-tweetstuff-week-ending-100810/

Favorite TweetStuff (week ending 10/01/10)

Every Friday, I rescue provocative, inspirational, humorous, whimsical, irony-laden, weird, and just plain beautiful tweets from my Tweet Stream. Sometimes they are all those things at once! Sometimes 140 characters goes a very long way. Enjoy! @Maura_Aura “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do …

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Permanent link to this article: http://thirdofalifetime.com/2010/10/01/favorite-tweetstuff-week-ending-100110/