Every Sunday night, if there are updates made to the Dissociation Blog Showcase (DBS), I will post them here. Tonight, I’ve added two new blogs: Confessions of a Serial Insomniac MANY OF US’S PUBLIC BLOG Please use the DBS link above to access these blogs, and take a look at others already on the list. …
Tag: Dissociation Blog Showcase
Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2010/01/03/two-blogs-added-to-dbs/
Dec 03 2009
Blogging Hiatus Was For A Good Cause
Well, time does fly by, especially if you’re dissociative. But I actually remember most of the last month, so that’s not it. I am oh-so-close to releasing the first draft of my new Dissociation Blog Showcase for which I donated all of my free blogging time (and then some) this last month. I have close …
Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2009/12/03/blogging-hiatus-was-for-a-good-cause/