On a melancholy night…


The first time I heard “These Days” was a version by Jennifer Warnes in 1972. I was seventeen, writing very secret sad poetry. This song is so simple, but blew me away that anyone could load so much sadness and regret into so few lines. A true watershed moment for me. Sometimes less really is so much more.

Later, when I discovered Jackson Browne, I was thrilled to learn that “These Days” was one of his songs. Over the years there’ve been dozens of renditions, but I always come back to his acoustic version on nights like this, when I’m feeling low. It doesn’t make me feel worse; it actually makes me feel so not alone in it. Such is the power of well-chosen words.


Lyrics follow the video…



Well I’ve been out walking
I don’t do that much talking these days
These days–
These days I seem to think a lot
About the things that I forgot to do
For you
And all the times I had the chance to


And I had a lover
It’s so hard to risk another these days
These days–
Now if I seem to be afraid
To live the life I have made in song
Well, it’s just that I’ve been losing so long


I’ll keep on moving
Things are bound to be improving these days
One of these days–
These days I sit on corner stones
And count the time in quarter tones to ten, my friend
Don’t confront me with my failures
I had not forgotten them

– Jackson Browne


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Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2013/02/05/on-a-melancholy-night/

Favorite TweetStuff (02/01/13) ~ Enjoy! ~


We’re into February already! Winter’s in full swing, take a break, warm up, and have a look at a few favorites from my Twitter stream this week! Enjoy!

@pourmecoffee “Send everyone from Davos to Burning Man instead and vice-versa. Age of Enlightenment follows.”


@zaibatsu Earth as Art: Stunning New Images From Space
[SEO: “Earth is truly beautiful when viewed from space. But add some false color produced by satellite sensors, and the result is stunning.” A gallery of 22 gorgeous pics!]


@LillyAnn “The biggest illusion to shatter is the expectation that everything should make sense to you.”


@heykim OMG I love the Scottie puppy pinwheel!
[SEO: Guaranteed to make you smile! Go on, you know you want to. ;)]


@noveldoctor “Some call it staring into space. I call it ‘pre-writing.'”


@GuruQuotes “We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success.” ~ Henry David Thoreau


@pourmecoffee The Periodic Table of Super-Powers
[SEO: In case, you know, you lost yours.]


@WritersNetGuide “I write because, if I don’t, my characters will murder me in my sleep.” ~ Astrid Cruz


@BeyondMeds Man decorates basement with $10 worth of Sharpie
[SEO: He created a whole other world in his basement! The drawings are amazing, and the “photo” you see is a slowly rotating 360 degree view of the entire space. I wonder what his wife thought when he first began doodling. :)]


‏@GuruQuotes “A person who never made a mistake, never tried something new.” ~ Albert Einstein


@Interior One of the most stunning photos we’ve ever seen. The Milky Way over Mount Rainier!
[SEO: Looking at this, just my opinion, it’s hard to believe we are the only intelligent life form in all that vastness and billions of stars.]


@HealthyPlace “If all the people who were called ‘crazy’ started acting ‘normal’, we’d probably still be living in caves.” ~ Joana James


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Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2013/02/01/favorite-tweetstuff-020113-enjoy/

Favorite TweetStuff (01/25/13) ~ Enjoy!

Much of the country is in a deep freeze, the Northeast included. Bundle up! And take a few moments to relax with favorite finds from my Twitter feed this week. Some hot chocolate would be perfect right about now! Enjoy!


‏@WritersNetGuide “It’’s the job never started that takes the longest to finish.” ~ J.R.R. Tolkien


‏@reedtome Carl Sagan on books.
[SEO: A brilliant mind, on just about any subject.]


@LillyAnn “Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” Lao Tzu


@in_focus Chicago’s Freezing Fire — 16 photos of the ice-encrusted aftermath of Tuesday’s warehouse fire
[SEO: A huge fire in subzero Chicago turns an abandoned warehouse, and everything in its vicinity, into a giant ice castle. That’s not thawing out any time soon!]


@pourmecoffee “I want to confess on TV in big fancy soft chair so bad but all I’ve got to offer is lurid tales of serial Starbucks Splenda-stealing.”
@pourmecoffee “When did you know you had a problem?” “When I slipped two Raw Sugar packets in my pocket, which I don’t even like — no one does (tears).”


@johncusack ‘Squatter’ builds incredible treehouse hidden in forest
[SEO: This guy spent years creating an awesome egg-shaped treehouse on Crown land in Canada’s Whistler’s forest. It’s way off the beaten path, and he had to hike in materials he scrounged from trash and Craig’s List. Pictures and video show how the project progressed over the years. And now? What to do with it!]


@WritersNetGuide “The ability to read awoke inside me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive.” ~ Malcolm X


@SarahMcLachlan LOL!! Great time @VanCanucks game … thanks everyone for the warm welcome!!!
[SEO: Sarah sang the US and Canadian Anthems for the first game of this very short hockey season, and was caught getting a love bite from the Canucks mascot. ;) (FYI, she’s a huge hockey fan, and the Canucks are her home team.)]


@pourmecoffee “Constitution is explicit: ‘Well-regulated voice being necessary, right of Beyonce to record and play back anthem shall not be abridged.'”


@petapixel An aurora borealis time-lapse proposal
[SEO: “A time-lapse of the aurora borealis captured from several different locations throughout Iceland would be a good enough way to start off your Saturday, but MIT neuroscientist Alex Rivest’s time-lapse from a few months ago takes it one step further.” I’ve just added seeing Northern lights somewhere to my bucket list.]


@Alyssa_Milano “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.


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Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2013/01/25/favorite-tweetstuff-012513-enjoy/

Favorite TweetStuff (01/18/13) ~ Enjoy! ~

Every Friday I offer my favorite items from Twitter, which may be funny, inspiring, stunningly beautiful, or sometimes just really odd. Enjoy!


@800273TALK “Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ~ Voltaire


‏@pourmecoffee “Live today like you won’t be able to confess to Oprah about it later.”


@DrCarlHindy McDonald’s offers books instead of toys in British Happy Meals
[SEO: “McDonald’s said it currently has no plans to bring the initiative to the United States….” What a concept! Associate fun food with reading! Too bad McDonald’s isn’t willing to create eager young book readers here in the US.]


‏@Tamavista “Working on spiritual growth today — shopping with wife — more than one store.”


@BeyondMeds Cat helps out with the dirty laundry… intolerable cuteness


@LillyAnn “Please be reminded to appreciate your life. Appreciate doesn’t mean ‘like’. It means ‘feel completely’.”


@ashwinsanghi Looking up: 40 magnificent ceilings from around the world
[SEO: Simply gorgeous! Most were built with amazing geometric precision centuries before the advent of computer-aided design. “So have a look at this set of photographs taken from below straight up, with minimal perspective if possible, through very famous buildings to less well known, spanning three continents and over two thousand years of history.”]


@HealthyPlace “If you are not the hero of your own story, then you’re missing the whole point of your humanity.” ~ Steve Maraboli


‏@AmazingPics Extraordinary Icebergs: 55 Reasons Why Majestic Ice Mountains are So Cool
[SEO: Another gorgeous photo series with captions detailing where the ice berg is located, what different colors and stripes on ice signify. Includes video of a gigantic calving of ice bergs off an ice sheet, with an area moving roughly the size and height of Manhattan. Several videos capture huge icebergs flipping completely over. Stunning!]


@QuoteBuddy “All great changes are preceded by chaos.” ~ Deepak Chopra


@InvisibleObama “The good thing about losing an invisible girlfriend is that she won’t write a song about you.”


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Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2013/01/18/favorite-tweetstuff-011813-enjoy/

Dissociation Blog Showcase (DBS) ~ 192 Blogs! ~


[important]Special Request: If you find value in this blog showcase, please add the Dissociation Blog Showcase link to your blogroll so others can find it. Thanks![/important]


I’m long overdue for some housekeeping with regard to the Dissociation Blog Showcase. I’ve gone through it now, deleted broken links, and added some new blogs! We have amazing writers amongst us who give insight and hope to anyone struggling with dissociation, or to their loved ones. It’s a brain trust, and I treasure it. When I find new blogs, I will update the Dissociation Blog Showcase (DBS) as soon as possible. (Many thanks for your patience!)

Today I’ve added the following new blogs to the Showcase:


A World of Alters

Synth Girl


Please use the DBS link above to access these blogs, and check out the entire directory of 192 dissociation-related blogs! As always, be careful and stay safe. Many of these blogs do not provide trigger warnings, nor are they obligated to do so.

If you, or someone you know, experiences dissociation and blog about it, write to me with the URL at sarah.e.olsonATgmailDOTcom . I review each blog before adding it to the Showcase.

Thanks so much for the feedback and well-wishes for this project!


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Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2013/01/18/dissociation-blog-showcase-dbs-192-blogs/

Favorite TweetStuff (01/12/13) ~ Enjoy!

It’s January, but you couldn’t tell by going outside just south of Boston! We drove with the car windows down yesterday, just a bit chilly but so refreshing! And it’s still almost early spring-like here today. Odd. Enjoy your day, wherever you are!


@rcinstitute “Make 2013 the year that you become your best self.”


@pourmecoffee “NFL, satisfy my Congress-ruined desire for well-prepared, hard-fought battles with clear outcomes.”


@Tao23 Reason #12,924 to THINK before you start to work.


@Tamavista “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness’s of other people.” ~ Carl Jung


@garham The greatest animated GIF you will ever see. EVER.
[SEO: It involves a cute toddler and a patient dog. :)]


@WritersNetGuide “If you can’t annoy somebody with what you write, I think there is little point in writing.” ~ Kingsley Amis


@zaibatsu “The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.” ~ Albert Einstein


@ArtsSpace My cat Chaplin paints on my iPad every night, digital art therapy? He’s been painting for two weeks now!


@LillyAnn “Truth comes as conqueror only to those who have lost the art of receiving it as friend.” ~ R. Tagore


‏@heykim Oh, this is GOLD…! Alec Guinness writing to a friend re Star Wars
[SEO: Two notes to a friend, one written when he’s contemplating doing the first Star Wars movie, and one four months later in the middle of shooting the film, with various grumbles, and he can’t quite recall Harrison Ford’s name. :D ]


@firepixie324 “It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” ~ Philip K. Dick


‏@rcinstitute “Make 2013 the year of kindness, generosity, patience & compassion.”


@zaibatsu Have you ever seen a dolphin stampede? You have now.
[SEO: Video taken off Dana Point, California. Amazing to watch, would be amazing to witness in person!]


@pourmecoffee “Feel like People’s Choice Awards will be played back to humankind when we are judged not ready join Federation of Planets by aliens.”


‏@LillyAnn “May there be kindness in your gaze when you look within.” ~ John O’Donohue


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Permanent link to this article: https://thirdofalifetime.com/2013/01/12/favorite-tweetstuff-011213-enjoy/